Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tour of the west!

My parents just left this morning to go to Wayne Newton's house in western Montana. It's a pretty exiting time for our business. In the middle of a recession that is becoming a depression for some parts of the country we have been feeling the effects but God has kept us going. 2010 was definitely a trial in which the business really had to learn to lean on God. Me and Beth went into more debt despite cutting back on stuff (like phone plans and even trading our beautiful new Ford Escape for an old Torus). The business was going from week to week but God provided small jobs throughout the whole year.

In addition to installing a bar in to Wayne Newton's house my parents are also going to be dropping off some beautiful pieces of art in The Geezer Gallery of "Portlandia" Oregon.
If I get some pictures from them i will post them here but we will be writing some articles in my parents blog (http://andysanchez.com/blog/) which will most definitely have pictures.
You can follow them on twitter: @AndyandAaronS

They plan on posting today(March 29th) but we will see what happens.