Monday, November 24, 2014

Super. My Thanksgiving Post.

This is how it goes. Life takes a dump on you and it stinks. Most people say how they are thankful to God even for the bad things. But I don't.  I'm not thankful for the fact that after a long horrible day all of my really nice video equipment was stolen. That's like saying, "thanks for demons. I know there bad but I'm still thankful!"
No. God knows my heart and He knows I'm pist. It's an upsetting thing to have all your business taken away and have almost no way to recover. The insurance isn't covering enough to get me back to where I need to be. As far is I can tell my video production is at a stall.
I could look at this as a defeat.  A closed door. A dead end. But it's not.
No. God knows my heart. He knows my weakness and my strength. And I know He didn't give me a passion just so I could give up on it. He gave me a direction so when I came up to that closed door that was between me and where God wanted me to be I would take out His Word. In scripture it is called the sword of truth.  In my case it's an ax. After kicking the door and springing my ankle I'm picking up the Ax of Truth and  busting down this "closed door". Screw looking for a window. Screw saying, "I guess it wasn't God's will." After all, this isn't a door it's opposition.  And opposition comes to those who are doing what's right.  And in this case the opposition is getting an ax to the head, Rick Grimes style.
So what am I thankful for this Thanksgiving blog post? I'm thankful God gave me the strength to see this bad thing and not give in to it. Not to fold. I'm thankful He is letting me be on His side and to show the world that God is in control even when evil robs all we have. God has the final say not my self pity.  God knows the way and I just need to push forward through the oceans of doubt. The walls of lies. The armies of terror.  God know they are there and He is in control and His plan to glorify Himself through the opposition is what I am thankful for.
So I'm asking you to do the same. Identify the evil in the world and thank God for the victory over it instead of folding and assuming that this is just how it is and whatever demons that come your way win and you will be content and thankful. God has bigger plans. Are your plans a reflection of His power or your understanding?

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